Temporary Address

Temporary Address

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

Hey, ho, this is Molly the dog, coming to you live from dog park where I'm interviewing the average dog on the street. Most dogs have read the new best-selling book, TEMPORARY ADDRESS and, so far, the reaction has been extraordinary:

A great read. it had me barking with excitement. I recommend TEMPORARY ADDRESS to all canines and humans who appreciate good literature.

Pugnacious. Captivating. Better than a squirrel in a garbage can.

Riveting. The only things missing were gophers and bacon snacks. And it wasn't about dogs.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

Hi. It's me, Molly the blogging collie. I can't believe it's been a whole people week since my last post. And so much has happened. The paperback version is out. You can buy "Temporary Address" on paperback on line (cheapest through Lulu.com) and the e-book is available through Amazon.com.( and, in a couple of days, through anyone else on line.

I've been working so hard, I hardly had time to scratch a flea or sniff a hydrant. (It's always important to stop and smell the hydrants.) But it's all worth it. If you want to see what it's all about, you can read it by clicking the photos on the right of this blog. But it's way better in the published versions. My human was not very careful when she entered the posts on this blog. A collie would never have allowed that to happen. Okay, licks and tail wags to you all. I'm going to go have second breakfast.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Molly Chronicles

Whew, what a day! I wouldn't wish it on a cat. First of all, my human took me on two very long walks because we had to get the wheels of the car aligned. Normally, I love very long walks, but we had to walk next to the traffic, and my human made me walk on heel. That meant I couldn't do my important dog work - I couldn't do olfactory reconnaissance of the area. And I couldn't mark my territory. I must say, I did a very good job walking on heel, and my human praised me for my restraint.

After that, my human played a very cruel trick on me. She said we were going for another walk, but we ended up - I can't bear to say it - we ended up at the vet's office, where they poked me and hurt my delicate  body. 
I'm still working on the book cover for "Temporary Address" (a collie's work is never done.) but the art work is still not uploading. I hired a printer who is very good, but wasn't able to get the art work the correct size. He hasn't responded to my last e-mails and is probably busy chewing on a piece of rawhide. His work is very stressful.

Molly the collie  signing off with a big bow wow to you all.